Aug. 12 column

Here is a link to my column in today's edition of The Spokesman-Review: Organic cherries aren't for the birds. I love that headline! Most folks probably figure I write the headlines but it's actually an editor who has that duty.

But what's great is the headline really sums up what I wanted to share with you in today's column: that our goal was to grow our cherries organically and keep our crop safe from cherry-loving birds.

As you'll read in the column, we experimented with covering the trees, using organic sprays, and testing traps and mylar tape. And in some cases, with humorous (but frustrating) results. So give it a read and know that these crafty Mulvihills are ever on the prowl for creative ways to thwart some of the frustrating things that can happen out there in nature!

Today's top photo shows off some of the fruits of our labor. Mmm-mmmm good! And just in case you're wondering what the covers looked like, the bottom photo shows our three lollipops!