Raised bed gardening class

I am absolutely crazy about raised-bed gardening! You are looking at a photo of my vegetable garden, which is comprised of 26 raised beds. No, that wasn't a typo. I really do have 26 of them!

I was turned onto them way back in 1981 and over the years, my husband Bill and I have been fine-tuning them so they are as productive as possible. This has involved testing different building materials and creating accessories for the beds so our garden is as successful as possible.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, if you have been curious about raised-bed gardening, or if you have new beds, you will be interested to learn that I will be teaching a class on raised beds on Saturday, Feb. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

The class is sponsored by the WSU/Spokane County Master Gardeners and costs $12.

In it, you will learn about the best building materials to use (and which ones to avoid), ways to make trellises and hoops for either growing plants vertically or protecting the plants from cold temperatures and/or pesky insects. Then I will go into growing vegetables in raised beds, which includes a great deal of information that I've learned over the years. This will be a very useful class!

I teach a lot of classes throughout the year and the raised bed class is definitely my very favorite! It's such a fun topic.

I hope you can join me for it! To learn more, call or email Anna Kestell (509-477-2195 or akestell@spokanecounty.org) and to register for the class, go to the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County's website.